Friday, January 25, 2013

Litany Imitation PM

You are the cat in the corner,
the milk and its saucer.
You are the warmth on my bedside
and the watchful owl at night.
You are the courageous lion,
and the protective shepherd watching her sheep.

However, you are not the bright sunrise,
the gentle whisper,
or white feather in the breeze.
And you are certainly not the quiet little church mouse.
There is just no way that you are the quiet little church mouse.

It is possible that you are the guard dog of the estate,
maybe even the crisp page in an old book,
but you are not even close
to being the wind in the oak trees.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither the apple pie cooling in the window sill
nor the soothing sound of a grand piano.

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I am the pen to the paper.

I also happen to be the rainbow after the storm,
the first snowfall of winter
and sweet smell of a spring rainfall.

I am also the paint brush on the artists canvas
and the crazy lady's cats.
But don't worry, I'm not the cat in the corner.
You are still the cat in the corner.
You will always be the cat in the corner,
not to mention the milk and--somehow—it’s saucer.

(I wrote this to my dorky cat Ruger)


  1. Haha! Knowing from experience, your cat is definitely the cat in the corner. She always enjoys being a creeper whenever I come over.

  2. Good job with the comparisons. good job!

  3. I'm a fan of the image that begins and ends the poem: the milk and the saucer. A reader gets all the associations with those two words. Milk isn't just milk. It is comfort and not being hungry, and it takes us back to the feelings we have associated with our first milk. Likewise, the saucer isn't just a dish. It carries with it the implication of practicality and is home-y and it feels stable and like it will be there always. We can count on it, just like we can count on going to the cupboard and finding dishes. The same associations apply to our pets. Thanks!
