Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hey! My name is Paisley M. and I’m a Kinesiology Major here at LCSC. I’ve been going to LCSC here for 1 ½ years and am enjoying college. Some of my hobbies are drawing, playing video games and just chilling at home and sleeping in with my cat Ruger. I love Mac and Cheese and rain, and snow is always a good day. I enjoy hanging out with my best friend, bickering at each other like old women who have known each other for way too long. But overall I enjoy writing, I enjoy school and I like to sit in the back of classrooms. That is all. 


  1. Paisley! I was in your pilates class last year. Remember I was the one who got my toenail ripped off & you thought it was cool? Glad to see you're in another one of my classes!

    1. Oh my Gosh! I remember you! Haha, well I hope that your toe is doing fine! lol

  2. Your cat is adorable. He has a Charlie Chaplin-esque mustache :)Have you taken art classes at LCSC, or are you self-taught? If you haven't taken a class with Ray Esparsen, you should check it out!

    1. Self taught for the most of it. I am planning on continuing with Art while I am here at LCSC. I can't wait!

  3. Paisley! Mac and Cheese is totally one of my top five foods. Rain and snow is totally the reason why i left california. Its nice to actually have seasons.

    1. Ya, I freaking love Mac and Cheese! And seasons is really nice. I grew up in Vancouver Wa. and I miss the downpours! But its nice to get some sun and some snow now and again.

  4. I'm so excited you're in one of my classes!
