Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Facebook Charlotte Gilman

Charlotte Gilman - Married to John -

- Just moved into the summer house! Should be a fun three months!

- The house is great, but my room could really use a little TLC.

- Don't feel to hot today, but John is doing his best in making me feel better, I sure hope I start feeling better again.

- Happy Fourth of July! It was so good hang out with Mom and Nellie and the kids!

-HEY! Being still sick and all I found this awesome website on Bedroom Decorating! You guys should check it out!

- OMG, cannot sleep, the light from outside is creeping me out on these stupid yellow walls! #creepedout #seriousneedofnewdecor

-Hey, somebody shoot me a text, John is out of town on a case for one of  his patients and I'm bored! :)

- Thanks for all the get well cards everybody is sending me! But got to get some sleep, doctors orders!

- Like if you use to look at your walls as a kid and pretend to make different shapes on the walls! LIKE! LOL

- Got a new roommate living with us at the house! I didn't even notice her when we moved in but she's just so nice! Going to hang out with her tonight! Can't Wait!


  1. this is just like a facebook page and blogs i like it.

  2. I enjoyed this post a lot! Very creative and modern :)

  3. Thanks for all the creative and humorous touches (like the hash tags and the sad but funny as hell last post about the new roommate!)
